General Information about Backups

Our server hosting runs a free weekly backup for VPS. You can also order an additional daily backup service for VPS.

For dedicated servers, backups are performed by users on their own. You can set up a backup in the server control panel:

Backups of the server or its individual parts can be stored on the server itself or on another computer.

For a dedicated server, you can additionally order the "Backup storage service".

Protocols: FTP, SFTP, SSH (rsync, sshfs), SCP

Traffic: Unlimited

Port: 1000 Mbps

Authorization by RSA keys: Yes

The "Backup storage service" can only be used for storing backups. Using the service for ftp-distributions, commercial and other similar purposes is strictly prohibited! Violation of the rules may serve as a reason to impose restrictions or blocking an account.

If you have any questions, please create a ticket to technical support.