Emails are Not Sent

The main causes of errors when sending mail:

  1. The recipient's address was entered incorrectly. In this case, the sender receives a corresponding error message.
  2. Problems or limitations on the recipient's side. The sender receives a corresponding error message.
  3. The provision of services is limited or suspended (in this case, you will receive a notification in your personal account and by e-mail about the blocking and its reason).
  4. Incorrect CMS configuration, errors in scripts (the problem is solved by users on their own).
  5. Getting the sender's IP address in black lists or spam lists. To check, you can use free services, for example, mxtoolbox.

If you cannot fix the problem yourself, due to which mail is not sent, contact technical support. In the message, indicate the exact time of sending one of the messages, the sender's address and the recipient's address. If possible, attach a letter describing the error that came from the postal service.