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The site takes a long time to open

Sites loading time or timeouts can occur due to the following issues:

  • Poor local computer performance. If all sites open slowly from the computer, then the problem is related to its performance or a large number of running processes. It is recommended to terminate unnecessary processes, close unused browser tabs, pause or limit the distribution / download of torrent files.
  • Low speed or unstable connection of the local computer. If problems arise when connecting to other sites, the problem may be related to the computer's connection to the Internet. Check your connection speed with free services such as speedtest.net.
  • High load on the server. If all sites on your server are slow, this may be due to high server load. Create a support ticket to clarify what caused the increase in load.
  • Incorrect work of the site. If all sites on your server are fast, and one is slow, this may be due to its incorrect operation. This problem is solved independently by the hosting user. Create a ticket to the support service in order to clarify what may be causing the incorrect operation of the site.

If you still have questions, please create a ticket to technical support.