Server Parameters

You can view the server parameters in your personal account in the Services - Products / Services section.

You can also get detailed information about the server directly from the operating system.

Linux OS

Connect to the server as root and use the following commands to test your VPS server hardware.


Processor information


Memory information

free -m

The amount of used and unused memory (in megabytes)

fdisk -l

List of partitions of the disk subsystem

df –h

Sizes of partitions of the disk subsystem


Windows OS

The shortcut keys Win+PauseBreak


Right Click on Start Menu - System

General information about the processor, RAM and OS version

Right Click on Start Menu - Disk Management

Information about disks and partitions

Right click on the start menu - Task Manager

Information about the used and unused resources


If you have any questions, please create a ticket to technical support.