Restoring from a Backup

1. Restoring from an Automatic Backup

Backups of our clients' virtual servers are stored in a special format (in the form of encrypted blocks). This makes the copying process very fast, and only the blocks in which the data have changed are changed. 

Only technical support staff have access to automatically created backups.

Users can recover individual files or the entire server. To do this, you need to make a request to the support service.

2. Restoring from a Backup in the Server Control Panel

To restore from a backup that was created in the server control panel, use the following instructions:

3. FTP Clients

To restore a backup using an FTP client such as FileZilla, connect to the server using your credentials and copy or replace files.   

4. tar and dd Applications (Linux)

Restoring from a backup using dd

To restore a hard drive from a backup, enter:

dd if=< full_copy_name> of=<target_disk> bs=8M conv=sync,noerror

For example:

dd if=/mnt/backup1/sda.img of=/dev/sda bs=8M conv=sync,noerror
  • /mnt/backup1/sda.img – location and name of the backup file,
  • of=/dev/sda – the disk where the backup will be deployed,
  • bs=8M – sets the size of the hard disk cache to speed up copying (512 bytes by default);
  • conv=sync,noerror – bit-to-bit copy is set, read errors are ignored.

Restoring from a backup using tar

To restore the system from a backup, enter:

sudo tar -xvpzf <file_name> -C <directory_name> --numeric-owner

For example:

sudo tar -xvpzf /path/to/backup.tar.gz -C /media/whatever --numeric-owner
  • f <file_name> - full name of the backup file;
  • -C <directory_name> - directory where the backup will be deployed;
  • --numeric-owner – recovering file users by numeric descriptor.

5. Backup plugins for CMS (for site recovery).

To restore a site from a backup, use the plugin that was used to create the backup.

If you have any questions, please create a ticket to technical support.