PhpMyAdmin installation

You can install phpMyAdmin on your virtual server with BitrixVM control panel.   

1. To install the phpMyAdmin panel, run the command:

yum install -y phpmyadmin

2. To create a link to the phpMyAdmin directory in the main site directory, run the command:

ln -s / usr / share / phpMyAdmin / home / bitrix / www / phpmyadmin

3. Open the Apache config file with an editor vi:

vim /etc/httpd/bx/conf/default.conf

4. Paste the code before the line ErrorLog logs / error_log:

<Directory / home / bitrix / www / phpmyadmin>

php_admin_value mbstring.func_overload 0


5. Save your changes to the file.

6. Reboot the web server.

By default, BitrixVM uses vi editor. Also, you can install and use the nano editor for server administration. To do this, run the command:

yum install -y nano

If you have any questions, please create a ticket to technical support.