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PHP modules, configuring PHP parameters in Bitrix
Setting PHP parameters
Configuring PHP parameters in the BitrixVM control panel is performed in the same way as in CentOS. See instructions for configuring PHP (CentOS).
Installing PHP modules
In the Bitrix 7 control panel, many libraries are already installed, but disabled.
To view the list of installed libraries, go to the /etc/php.d directory:
ls /etc/php.d

This folder contains two types of files:
modul_name.ini- empty file,
modul_name.ini.disabled - contains a directive for connecting a module.
To connect the module run:
mv modul_name.ini.disabled modul_name.ini
For example, to connect a module 20-json do:
mv 20-json.ini.disabled 20-json.ini
As a result, the file 20-json.ini will be overwritten by the contents of the file 20-json.ini.disabled. The .ini configuration file will contain the required directive.
Restart Apache:
systemctl restart httpd
If you did not find the module you need in the /etc/php.d directory, use instructions for installing PHP modules for CentOS
If you have any questions, please create a ticket to technical support.