How to Set Up Availability Monitoring

Server availability is the main criterion for the normal functioning of your project. Therefore, we offer our clients a monitoring service (free and paid options).

Monitoring is a service that monitors the status and availability of the site:

  1. automatically, regardless of the user's participation and his connection to the server,
  2. 24/7, at any time of the day and seven days a week,
  3. the user chooses what to control,
  4. the user himself chooses the frequency of checks,
  5. you can select a recipient who will receive a notification about positive or negative monitoring results.

The main advantage of monitoring is the automatic creation of a server unavailability ticket.

You can use third-party services to monitor your site or project, however, they do not automatically create a notification for our support team, which immediately knows all the necessary details and possible causes of the problem. That is, the problem can be identified and resolved without user intervention, if possible.

Technical support specialists work around the clock, so they will start solving the problem immediately after receiving a request for a malfunction.

Stark Work with Monitoring Service

  1. Go to "is*hosting Personal Account" - "Products/Services" - "View data".
  2. Create or manage monitoring jobs - click "Manage Checks".
  3. Create a new task - click "Add New Check"
    Add New Check
  4. Fill in the highlighted fields in the "Add New Check" form:
    Setting Up Monitoring
  5. Check Name - job title. With free monitoring, you can create 10 tasks, and with paid monitoring - 50 tasks.
  6. URL – link to the site that will be checked as part of this task.
    For example,
    ATTENTION! When creating a task, the IP address of your server must be answered. If the domain is hidden behind Cloudflare, disable it before creating the task. Then turn it on when the task is created.
    If the IP address of your server is not available when creating a job, a blank page will be displayed.
  7. Check Type – which protocol will be checked for this task.
    1. HTTP - resource availability via the HTTP protocol;
    2. HTTPS - resource availability via HTTPS protocol;
    3. SMTP - availability of the SMTP mail server;
    4. IMAP - availability of the IMAP mail server;
    5. SMTP SSL - availability of an SMTP mail server with SSL encryption through the protocol;
    6. POP3 - availability of the POP3 mail server;
    7. Ping - server response to sending the ping command;
    8. etc.
  8. How often would you like to run this check
    For free monitoring, the minimum is every 15 minutes, the maximum is every 60 minutes;
    For paid monitoring, the minimum is every minute.
  9. Text to search for within your HTML to verify the site is working (optional)
    For example, a site can be accessed and pinged, but it will not work correctly, with errors in MySQL, Nginx, etc. In this case, no problems will be identified within the assignment.
    If you additionally specify a word or phrase and it will not be found within the task, an error will be detected and a notification about the problem will be sent to technical support.
    For example, "error" or "help".
  10. Custom message to include in the subject when a down alert is sent (optional) — you can specify the text that will be in the subject of the error notification when sending to technical support.
  11. Custom message to include in the subject when a recovery alert is sent (optional) — you can specify the text that will be in the subject of the notification about the restoration of the site operation when sent to technical support.
  12. Timeout in seconds (How long to wait for a response) — how long (in seconds) the monitoring system needs to wait for a response from the server.
    The default is 10 seconds.
    Recommended - 15 seconds, otherwise false positives are possible.
  13. Retries — how many repeated requests to the server need to be performed if no response was received.
    The default is 1.
    Recommended - 3, otherwise false positives are possible.
  14. Custom Port (leave blank for default) — server port. If a standard port is used for the protocol, leave the field blank.
  15. Notes you would like to send in the email when there is a failure — the message that will be in the body of the notification. This can help the technical support professionals resolve the problem faster. For example, the current root password.
  16. Select which notification list to use in the event of a failure — select a pre-created list of contacts who will receive a notification about a problem with the site or server from the monitoring system (in addition to technical support).
  17. Open a support ticket in the event of a failure – check this box if you want to automatically send a notification of a problem to technical support.
  18. Parent Check (Only Send Alert if Parent Check is Online) — it is recommended to leave the default value.
    Click “Save” to save the created task.
    "Cancel" - canceling the created task.

ATTENTION: The monitoring service applies only to sites that are hosted on our servers and have our IP addresses. If using CloudFlare, disable it before creating the monitoring job and then enable it after creating the job.

If you still have questions about setting up the monitoring service, create a ticket to the support service. Technical support specialists will help you with the setup.