How to Deny Access by IP in ISPmanager

This article will help you to know how to control access to the site and restrict access from different IP addresses in ISPmanager.

ISPmanager panel allows you to control access to the site and restrict access from different IP addresses.

To control access to the site and restrict access from different IP addresses in ISpmanager, follow the steps:

  1. Log into the panel as root.
  2. Go to the Administration > Firewall section.
  3. Click Add to create a new constraint or Edit to customize an existing one.

In the settings, choose the action that will be applied to the specified IP address:

  • Allow – access is not limited.
  • Deny – block access. 
  • Allow for – block IP addresses from the subnet specified in the Source address field.
  • Deny for.
    If the Deny access for all box is checked, only the IP addresses listed in the Source address field are allowed access. If the Deny access for all box is not checked, only trusted IP addresses from the subnet specified in the Source address field are allowed access. For all other sources, access blocked.
  • Specify the protocol and port through which access will be limited (leave the default value "any" to block access through all protocols and ports),
  • Specify the IP address or subnet for which the specified rules will apply.

For security reasons, ISPmanager cannot create the following rules:

  • Deny access from the IP address from which the panel is logged in.
  • Deny the network that contains the virtual server address (if there is no allowing rule for your address).
  • Deny access to any port from any IP-address of the server (if there are no allowing rules for this server).
If you have any questions, you can ask them in the online chat in the lower right corner of the site or by ticketing the Techsupport Department.