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Change/reset password
Password change
If you just want to change your current password (it is not lost):
- Connect to the server via RDP.
- Click the right mouse button on the Start - Computer Management menu.
- Next, expand the Local Users and Groups folder. Select Users.
- Right-click on the username displayed on the right side of the window and select Set Password.
- In the next window, select Proceed.
- Enter the new password 2 times in the New password and Confirm password fields.
Choosing a password, consider the rules for creating passwords. If the password does not meet these requirements, the system will not allow you to set it:
- password length is at least 6 characters,
- the password must contain: latin lowercase letters, latin uppercase letters, numbers, special characters (~,!, $, ^,%, etc.),
- the password must not contain the name or part of the username.
Password reset
For security reasons, the user cannot recover the lost administrator password by himself.
If the current administrator password is unknown and lost, create a ticket to technical support. For VPS servers, the password reset service is provided free of charge.
If you have any questions, please create a ticket to technical support.