3x-UI VPN on Your Server: Installation and Basic Configuration

This article provides instructions on installing and configuring 3x-UI VPN on your server.

3X UI is a user-friendly open-source web panel for managing VPN servers that supports various protocols such as VMess, VLESS, ShadowSocks, and WireGuard. 

This tool allows you to set up and manage VPN connections and multiple users, limit traffic, timeout, and IP addresses. 3X-UI suits experienced and novice users due to its automatic SSL certificate management support.

The main difference between 3X-UI VPN and other VPN services is its advanced settings and increased data security.

Step 1: Buying a Server

The first step in installing and configuring 3X-UI VPN on your server is buying or renting the server.

Recommended system requirements:

  • OS: Debian 12 (default) or Ubuntu 24.04 (for self-configuration)
  • RAM: Minimum 2 GB
  • Virtualization: KVM
  • Network: IPv4 required
  • Pre-installed software: 3X-UI

The article will use Ubuntu 24.04.

Due to its high performance, flexible management and unlimited possibilities, renting a VPS from is*hosting is an excellent solution. We provide an already installed panel, that is, you do not need to install 3xui, just configure the connection in the panel and the client on different devices.

After ordering a server, you will receive access information by email in the form:

The panel address is http://IP_address:PORT/.
Server IP: 38.xxx.xxx.xxx

Root / xxxxxxxxxx


User = xxxxxxxx

Password = xxxxxxxx

Step 2: Initial Server Setup

In this article, we will set up a new connection on Ubuntu 24.04 via one of the best, lightest, and most efficient protocols – the VLESS (Very Light Efficient Stream System) protocol. This protocol is used as a bridge between the client and the server.

To set up the server for installing 3X-UI VPN, do the following:

  1. Open a command prompt by pressing the key combination “Ctrl+Alt+T” (Ubuntu).
  2. In the command prompt that appears, install the latest updates.
    sudo apt update

    sudo apt upgrade
  3. After installing the updates, reboot the device.
  4. To make sure that the necessary packages are installed on your server, enter the following command:
    apt-get install wget curl -y

Step 3: Installing the 3X-UI Panel

To install the 3X-UI panel, follow these steps:

  1. To install the panel on the server, run the script with the following command:
    bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mhsanaei/3x-ui/master/install.sh)
  2. Then the script will ask the following question in the command line:
    Would you like to customize the Panel Port settings? (If not, a random port will be applied) [y/n]:
    To set the port yourself, answer "y". If you want the script to set the port automatically, answer "n".
  3. Next, specify the user password, the panel port (we recommend setting a non-standard one), and the web path to the panel site.
    Please set up your password: **********

    Your password will be: **********

    Please set up your panel port: ***

    Your panel port will be: ***

    Initializing, please wait...
  4. Congratulations! The panel has been installed successfully!

Step 4: Configuring 3X-UI VPN

To proceed to configuring 3X-UI VPN, follow these steps:

  1. Connect to the panel via a browser using the link ipserver:port. In our case, the link looks like this: http://38.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx.
  2. After entering the address in the browser, a login window for the panel will appear, where you must enter the username and password.
  3. To configure the first connection, click the Inbounds tab in the side menu → Add Inbound.
  4. Configure the protocols in the window that appears.
    • Note – connection name.
    • Protocol – VLESS.
    • IP Port – leave it blank, the panel will automatically fill this field.
  5. Scroll down, enable REALITY in the Security section and fill in the additional fields.
    • uTLS – Google Chrome, but most recommendations agree that you need to specify Mozilla Firefox.
    • Domain – the panel will fill in automatically.
    • Dest and Server Names – it is recommended to specify a site outside the Russian Federation, not blocked by RKN, without redirects. It is good if the site has an IP address belonging to the same host that uses the proxy.
    • Private Key and Public Key – generated by clicking the Get New Key button.
  6. Click Create.
  7. To set up the first client, fill in the following fields:
    • Email – specify an email or something that will help identify the client and protocol in the future.
    • Subscription – leave the field blank.
    • Flow – a field if REALITY is enabled, where you need to select "xtls-rprx-vision".
  8. Click Create.
  9. Congratulations! You have set up 3X-UI VPN and your first client.
  10. To open the list of users, click + next to the connection ID.
  11. Using the menu button, you can add new users, either one by one or all at once.

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the online chat in the lower right corner of the site or create a request to the support service through the ticket system.