Can I Use Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies to Pay for Your Services?

You can use Bitcoin to pay for our services. To do this, open an account, select Bitcoin in the upper right corner and click the Pay button.

Other popular cryptocurrencies are also accepted. In this case, select the Cryptocurrency payment option.

Usually, the procedure for paying with cryptocurrencies takes 30-60 minutes.

Payment services set a timeout (limit on the maximum duration of a transaction). At the end of the timeout, the amount is returned back to the client's wallet.

Exceeding the timeout may be associated with a high load on the cryptocurrency network. As a result, confirmations take too long. Also, if the transfer fee is too low, the transaction takes much longer than if the standard fee is specified.

When you return funds to the wallet, you will also receive an email about the refund.

IMPORTANT! When paying with cryptocurrencies, a commission of up to 10% of the payment amount may be withheld.

To pay without commission, use any other available payment methods.

If you have any questions, please create a ticket to technical support.